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Three easy ways to reduce your carbon footprint at work today

Building brands can be dirty work. All that advertising, marketing and comms activity creates carbon emissions. Digital actions add up to have a big impact on the planet. But wait – there’s good news! We’ve created a free Greener Comms guide for marketers. By making just a few small changes, you can work more sustainably.

Here are three simple things you can do today to make your work kinder to the planet:

1. Unsubscribe from unwanted emails

Let’s face it, most people’s inboxes could do with a clear out. Every product we buy, report we download or competition we enter triggers an influx of follow-up emails and newsletters.

But here’s the thing.

An email newsletter generates around 10 grams of CO 2 , and 90% are never opened. Thirty-two billion trees would have to be planted every year to offset the pollution caused by unopened attachments, unread email and spam.

So, do your bit for the planet and unsubscribe from the emails you don’t want or read.

2. Turn off your video during calls.

A one-hour video call with two people uses 300MB. The same call with no video uses just 30MB.

Consider saving energy and losing the video whenever you can. Even switching it off for one call a day would make a difference.

3. Hold back on that “thanks!” email

How often do you send an email with just one or two words?

If every adult in the UK sent one less “thank you” email, it could save 16,433 tonnes of carbon a year – the equivalent to taking 3,334 diesel cars off the road.

Try offering “thanks in advance” when you make the original request. Or, if you really want to send a quick message, use Slack instead. Slack messages have a smaller carbonfoot print.

For more simple tips and mind-blowing stats, plus a ton of helpful tools and resources, check out the guide to Greener Comms.

By Ros Knight, AB Brand and Marketing Agency

WhatsApp for Business

In terms of daily communication regardless of your business size, the use of WhatsApp is imperative. WhatsApp for business is free and it is considered the number one, most popular messaging app around the world. It is even used internally in corporations and therefore, it is likely that your potential consumer already has the app and will check if your business does as well. Your potential client will want the easiest way for them to contact you, give them the option they likely already have!

To Email or Not to Email

The question about emails as a tool for lead generation or as a marketing one, is one I get asked often. My answer is to think of your target audience first as this happens to be the most important point. Emails fall into different priority depending on the generation receiving them. Please use this advice as a guide not a strict rule, it is simply an easy way to think about it before jumping into a full-blown campaign. Generally, the generations in their fifties, sixties or even seventies, still enjoy receiving emails, and are likely to even open their junk folder, meaning sending them your marketing in a GDPR complaint way, means they will like to see it!

The next generation in their thirties and forties, happen to be the sandwich generation for this mode of communication and therefore, check their emails regularly, but likely not on a daily basis and use it as an alternative communication tool rather than a priority messaging tool. Unfortunately, this means, they might or might not open your email.

Then there is the twenty somethings and maybe even early thirties who are very unlikely to check their emails at all and might even need a reminder to do so as this is simply at the bottom of their priority list. I’ve experienced this exact scenario within the corporate world. One of my younger colleagues asked me to send them a ‘message’ through the use of WhatsApp, if I emailed them and required them to read it or action it. It made me smile but it reminded me that otherwise, they might not check their emails at all or action my message.

All things considered, if you are thinking of an email campaign of any kind, think of your target audience and whether it is a suitable way of communicating to them. One last reminder that I think is important to bear in mind: ensure your email address follows a professional user name and uses your businesses name rather than using a Gmail or as the domain.

What about social media and AI?

Social Media is the main tool I use to lead generate and I teach others to use it as well.

First things first, don’t be scared by the number of platforms, no one is an expert in all of them and therefore, it is best to get comfortable with at least one of them and then go from there. The key for all platforms is to use them consistently and efficiently rather than chaos on all of them. If you are worried about which one to pick, keep in mind that in 10 years’ time we might have a completely different landscape of platforms and therefore, you might be using a different one anyway. If you chose one and feel it is not the right one for you, feel free to change, there is not perfect way and a lot of what we lead generators do is test to find the best one for your target audience.

So, take the plunge if you have not done so yet and use social media, and start by thinking: consistency is key. Platforms like their users to post regularly. It doesn’t have to be daily but ensure if you only have time to do it once a week, it is always once a week. Another very important point to consider is about creating a community and ensuring that you not only post, but comment on what others say about your posts and on others posts as well. Algorithms like to see a broad range of engagement and humans do to. Your clients as well as potential ones like to see what you like, dislike, and really appreciate when you comment back on their thoughts.

Lastly, we have all gone a bit crazy with AI but rather than fear all the tech coming our way, we can bring it to basics and understand how it may or may not help you and your business. It can be a great tool to brainstorm ideas for content creation. It will still need your touch and personality as your essence when you write cannot be replicated and fortunately, others will know that as well. If you sound chatty like me and then create AI content which sounds like a robot, others will notice and find it strange. So, best to think of it as another tool to helps us in different areas of our business such as content creation.

I hope you find this article helpful and feel free to reach out on LinkedIn if you have any more questions. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

By Gaby Beyer-King

About Gaby

Gabriella Beyer-King has over 15 years' experience in the FMCG and packaging industry. This extensive corporate extensive experience allowed her to grow and become an expert in lead generation, sales and networking. She's been a sought-after key speaker at exhibitions, she's provided articles for large events around the world, been interviewed on the radio and is now the proud Managing Director of BK Links Ltd. She is trilingual, and with BK Links provides lead generation consultancy through proven marketing and sales techniques. Contacting Gaby

Mobile: +44 (0) 7565 866948


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